

1. Set Up Loyalty

  • Go to Back Office, then Gift & Loyalty
  • Click on Loyalty Set Up
  • Enter the number for Online Loyalty Percentage: for example, if the percentage is 5, the customers will get 5% of their online orders as reward dollars that they can use for future orders
  • Enter the number for Loyalty Minimum Redemption Amount: For example, if this number is $10, the customer will need to accumulate at least $10 of reward dollars between they can apply the reward dollars to their next order
  • Click on Save
  • In advanced set up, search for storeMealage , Enter the number for Loyalty Reward Percentage for in-store customers: This works similar to the  Online Loyalty Percentage, but only for orders placed in the store. Then Save
  • Restart the software

2. How to use loyalty points

  • On the Order Screen, Click on Loyalty Button
  • Enter the 10-Digit Phone Number
  • Click on Redeem Loyalty Reward
  • If the customer is not found, the system will ask if you want to create a new customer
  • If the customer is found with enough reward dollars, the reward dollars will be appiled as discount toward the order total